It’s the most wonderful time of the year… but it can also be the most stressful.
For some of us, Christmas is about taking a much-needed break from work to relax and celebrate. It’s a time for eating, laughing, spending time with loved ones, and reflecting on the year.
For some, though, Christmas is far from relaxing. Financial strain, hosting duties, crowded gatherings, or loneliness: these can all make stress a very real part of the holiday season. Being surrounded by happy representations of Christmas in the media can make things even worse.
Stress and worry can have a significant impact on the body and mind. Rather than merry, Christmas stress can lead to sleeplessness, irritability, digestive issues, and low mood. Stress also weakens the immune system, making you more vulnerable to any bugs going around.
Supporting your mental health over the festive season should be a priority. Whatever your situation, it’s important to recognise feelings of stress and sadness and seek help if you need it.
Here are some tips to support your mental wellbeing and stress levels.
Reach out
The support of others is invaluable. Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can help you to glean some perspective and take a weight off your shoulders. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, or someone else you can chat to, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can find a range of helpline services that offer support and information for you and your parents, family, whānau and friends at These helplines are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Improve your snooze
Stress can leave you tossing and turning at night, and lack of sleep can make you even more stressed. It’s a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break. But your body needs rest, so tackling your sleeplessness early on can make all the difference.
First, make sure that your bedroom is as comfortable as possible. A fan can help to keep the room cool during these hot summer nights. Too much light can prevent the release of melatonin (the sleep hormone), so make sure the curtains are closed and there are no devices blinking at you. Invest in a sleep mask to block out any light sources, and keep reading to learn about vitamins for stress that can help you to nod off more easily.
Get more of that magic mineral
Got a crick in your neck? Shoulders feeling tight? Restless legs at night? If you’re not taking magnesium, Christmas could be the time to start!
Studies suggest that many adults are low in magnesium due to low mineral content in the food we eat. And it’s one mineral you definitely don’t want to be without - especially during the silly season. Magnesium plays an important role in supporting a healthy stress response and feelings of calm. It’s also involved with energy production and muscle contraction and relaxation.
MyHealth Magnesium Forte contains three forms of bioavailable magnesium to support muscle health and nervous system function. It’s an easy one-a-day dose, which is great if you’re always forgetting to take your supplements!
Go herbal
Humans have been using plant extracts to calm their minds for centuries. Scientific studies have since confirmed that many plants have constituents that really do help to ease stress and worry. But instead of the nasty brews that our ancestors used to drink, today’s supplements for stress are much easier to incorporate into your daily routine.
Two of the best-known plants for supporting frayed nerves are lemon balm and turmeric. Lemon balm is a member of the mint family that supports calm and soothes the mind. It also supports healthy digestion and can ease gas and bloating (great to have on hand after too many mince pies)! Turmeric is also helpful for supporting the mind and body, particularly when extra cortisol is keeping you on edge. Turmeric works alongside lemon balm in supporting the digestive system, so taking them together in a product like MeToday BeCalm could make the festive season that little bit easier to deal with.
Prepare for those ‘arrgh’ moments
Ever have moments of total overwhelm? Sometimes, stress hormones can flood the brain and cause you to feel afraid, worried, or panicked. Your heart starts racing, you find it difficult to breathe normally, and you can’t think clearly.
These moments can strike without warning, including in public, which can feel awkward or weird. So, if you’ve experienced these episodes before, it’s a good idea to have an action plan in place in case they occur again.
When you feel yourself starting to panic, one of the first things you can do is take deep, slow breaths. Try to bring in air from below your lungs (your diaphragm) and count to four with each breath in and out. Keep breathing like this until your heart rate begins to feel normal again.
Another helpful strategy is to keep some Rescue Remedy in your pocket or handbag. This famous Bach Flowers formula is used all over the world to support feelings of worry, anguish, and upset. It’s suitable for all ages and contains only natural ingredients: Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Rock Rose and Clematis. A few drops under the tongue can support your nervous system and stress response in any situation you might need it (including during a Christmas family reunion!)
Amp up your energy
Here’s something you probably never thought about at Christmas: your red blood cells! If you’re feeling lethargic and weak, it could be because your red blood cell production isn’t up to par. Shopping for gifts, attending parties, setting up the BBQ, decorating the house: all of this can drain your energy, and iron plays a key role in keeping that energy up. Iron is essential for producing red blood cells, which carry oxygen to your tissues. But if chowing down on a juicy steak every other day isn’t your thing, you might want to consider Floradix. Floradix is a delicious tonic made with organic iron from plant sources plus vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and C to support healthy energy production. Just the thing to help you through the festive season.
And while you’re stocking up on self-care, Bargain Chemist is a great place to do your Christmas shopping!
Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare