How to Support Your Immune System with Turmeric

When looking for supplements to support the immune system, most people will head straight for the vitamins and probiotics aisles. And that’s great - but here’s another supplement you might want to consider: turmeric!

Turmeric is a bright orange spice that we know and love for adding warmth and flavour to curries. But this amazing plant isn’t just famous for its culinary uses - it’s been a powerful component of traditional Ayurvedic practice for over 4000 years. And for good reason!

According to Ayurveda, turmeric can be used to support the heart, liver, skin, and lungs. It’s also said to support energy, digestion, relieve gas, and support joint mobility. Today, numerous scientific studies have found turmeric does indeed have some fantastic benefits for human health, from supporting healthy joints to supporting digestive function. 

Turmeric is also known to be helpful in supporting the immune system!

Let’s take a look at the many ways turmeric can support a robust immune system and overall well-being.

What is turmeric?

Turmeric - a.k.a curcuma longa - is a rhizome, which means it's a stem that grows underground. It belongs to the same family as ginger, another well-known rhizome, and the two are often used together. 

Turmeric’s many components include volatile oils, polysaccharides, and curcuminoids. It’s the curcuminoids that make turmeric famous, providing both turmeric’s bright orange colour and its purported health benefits.

How does turmeric support the immune system?

As a powerful antioxidant, turmeric’s “superpower” is to scavenge highly reactive, potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules generated from exposure to UV light, cigarette smoke, and other environmental pollutants. They’re also created from normal everyday functions in the body. 

Studies show that by neutralising these free radicals, antioxidants can help to protect the structural integrity of cells and tissues. 

How does that help support  the immune system? Well, healthy immune cells function more efficiently and respond appropriately to immune threats. Considering the amount of oxidative stress we’re exposed to every day, that’s a good reason to get as many antioxidants as possible. And turmeric is a good place to start!

Here’s what the science says about turmeric for supporting immunity.

It’s a potent antioxidant

Scientific research has suggested that turmeric’s antioxidant activities can support a healthy immune response in the body. One study found these actions were especially helpful for people who had been exposed to certain environmental sources of free radicals, such as pollution and cigarette smoke. 

It may help support immune defences

Turmeric is also thought to support healthy immune defences. It’s been shown that curcumin is the most biologically active component of the turmeric root and has an enormous range of useful benefits, including support for the body’s immune defences. At the same time, curcumin supports the body’s ability to scavenge free radicals and support the expression of certain chemicals in the body.

It supports healthy gut microbiota

Up to 70 percent of our immune system is in our gut, which is why healthy gut bacteria can go a long way in supporting immune function. Recent studies have found a strong connection between curcumin and the colonies of microorganisms living in the gut.  Curcumin appears to support balanced bacterial strains in the gut and support the growth of beneficial strains such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, which have important immune-supporting actions in the gastrointestinal tract. Curcumin may also support the integrity of the intestinal barrier, which plays a major role in immune defence. 

How to get more turmeric into your life

Fresh turmeric root can be added to rice, stir-fries and soups, or grated over salads. However, one way to get a concentrated dose of curcumin (the active component) is to take a supplement. Hint: try to find a product that contains both piperine (black pepper) and turmeric. Curcumin is not absorbed well on its own, and black pepper has been shown to enhance curcumin bioavailability by up to 2,000%. 

And if you head to Bargain Chemist, you’ll see there’s quite a range of turmeric supplements to choose from! Remember, turmeric is known to support the body in more ways than one, so many turmeric supplements will offer a range of health benefits.  

 So, where do you start?

If you’re looking for an easy one-a-day dose that supports multiple bodily functions, try Good Health Turmeric 15800. This formula combines Curcumin with BioPerine® (black pepper) to assist with the absorption of curcumin in the body. Curcumin’s antioxidant actions make this a great supplement for supporting not only the immune system but joints, cardiovascular function, and digestive health. Boswellia, Ginger, and Ashwagandha offer extra support for a healthy immune response and overall well-being. 

Another great option designed for all-round support is GO Healthy GO Turmeric + Glucosamine 1-A-Day. This provides high-strength Turmeric along with 1,500mg of scientifically proven Glucosamine Sulfate. Turmeric offers antioxidant support for the whole body, while glucosamine and ginger help provide extra support for joint comfort and digestion. Perfect for active folk or older people who need support for both their joint health and their immune defenses. And yes, Go Turmeric also includes BioPerine® to assist with absorption. 

For these and other popular turmeric supplements, drop into your local Bargain Chemist or check out the full range here.