How To Support Your Immune System Naturally

Used up all your sick days? 

It’s time to give your immune system some love!

Winter, as we know, is prime time for ills and chills. According to a 2022 study, a drop in temperature by only 5 degrees kills almost half of the helpful bacteria-fighting cells in our nostrils. So, what about those of us who avoid the cold and spend most of winter indoors? Well, crowded indoor spaces are great places for germs to spread, especially in offices and classrooms where people are sharing air and touching the same surfaces.

Which means your immune system needs all the help it can get! 

Here are our top tips and supplements for supporting your immune system naturally over winter. 

Vitamins for immune support

There’s a reason we’re told to drink orange juice when we’re sick - oranges are a great source of vitamin C. Known as the ‘immune vitamin’, Vitamin C supports both the innate and adaptive immune system in a multitude of ways. It’s required for the proper function of your white blood cells and also acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect cells from potentially damaging free radicals. 

As it’s a water-soluble vitamin, our body can only absorb a certain amount of vitamin C at a time, so we need to top up our levels daily. Along with eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, the easiest way to do that is with a Vitamin C supplement. And there are lots of options!
Healtheries Vit C Chewables provide 1000mg of high-strength, low-acidity Vitamin C to help the whole family power through the winter. They taste great, so you’re less likely to forget to take them! For extra support, Vitamin C Lipo-Sachets deliver a high dose of 

liposomal vitamin C using LIPOSHELL® technology, which helps to ensure the nutrient reaches your digestive system. Available in two great flavours: original and blackcurrant. 

Add some antioxidants 

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about….
Every day, we’re exposed to oxidative stress caused by free radicals - unstable molecules that can damage our body’s cells. Free radicals can be generated through stress, air pollution, cigarette smoke, and various chemicals. Like most things, we can’t always avoid free radicals, but we can support our body’s ability to ward them off. Antioxidant nutrients work by counteracting free radicals and the damage they can cause to cell membranes. This is especially important when it comes to our immune function. Our immune cells are constantly multiplying and dividing, which makes them even more susceptible to damage. 

Boosting your antioxidant intake can support your natural defences against ills and chills. Black elderberries are one of the richest sources of antioxidants, thanks to their high content of phytonutrient flavonoids. Studies show that these particular flavonoids can support the body’s immune system in a way that helps reduce the negative effects of free radicals. But if you don’t have time to forage for black elderberries (and let’s face it, who does?), take Sambucol! Sambucol is a unique immune support formula that provides the naturally occurring benefits of the elderberry. Available in Original Formula Syrup, Immune Activator Capsules, Effervescent Tablets, Throat Lozenges, and even Infant Drops, which means there’s a Sambucol product for everyone! 

Get more zinc

If there’s one mineral that you can’t do without during the sneeze season, it’s zinc. Zinc plays a vital role in the healthy development and function of immune cells. It’s also involved with cell signalling, which allows different systems in the body to work together and respond to changes in the environment. Research has shown that supporting your zinc levels can help to support recovery when winter bugs are about. 

If you feel the beginnings of a sniffle setting in, grab Virocin. Virocin™ is a high-potency zinc formula that contains the added benefit of Quercetin, a potent antioxidant that assists the absorption of zinc so that it can support the immune system more effectively.

Boost your good bugs

Your gut is full of bacteria - both good and bad! It’s the good that you need, because it helps to keep the bad in check. But things tend to get out of balance from time to time, usually due to poor diet, a lack of exercise, illness, or certain medications. And it’s your immune system that bears the brunt.
If your gut bacteria could do with some support, the first thing to do is clean up your diet. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables along with fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, and unsweetened yoghurt. And try to limit your intake of sugary treats and fatty takeaways! On top of all that, take a daily probiotic. Life-Space Broad Spectrum Probiotic is a great choice because it contains 32 billion live bacteria per capsule, including 15 strains of beneficial species. The Life Space range is specifically formulated to support immune system health and the “good bacteria” in your intestines.

Manage your stress levels

Chronic stress can take an enormous toll on your immune system. When we’re stressed, our body activates an inflammatory response that puts our immune cells on high alert. While short-term stress is beneficial for fighting off potential invaders, chronic stress can result in an over-activation of the immune system, ultimately weakening our immune defences and making us more vulnerable to whatever’s going around.
Avoiding stress completely is impossible for most of us, but there are a few ways to keep those cortisol levels in check. The simplest is breathing! When you feel your heart racing, or your busy mind has you tossing and turning at night, try this deep breathing exercise. Breathe out while counting to six in your head, then breathe in while counting to three. Do at least five rounds, or at least until you feel calmer. 

Winter wellness is much easier with the right support, so drop into Bargain Chemist before another malady comes your way! 

Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare


Immunity supportProbioticsVitamin cVitamins