Home First-Aid Kit: Essential Items

Got a first aid kit at home? 


Yikes! You better read on!

No matter how big or small your household, a home first aid kit is a must. Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere - especially if you’ve got little ones about (or sports people, chefs, DIY enthusiasts… the list goes on!)

A well-equipped first aid kit means you can deal quickly with minor mishaps like cuts, burns, grazes, sprains, and strains, without having to rush off to the pharmacy. And the faster you can tend to an injury, the better. 

First aid can also be invaluable in more serious situations such as natural disasters or medical emergencies, especially if there’s a wait for professional help. 

So, now that you know you need one, what should you put in it?

Here’s a brief first aid kit items list for any home or office. 

Bandages and cleaning supplies

Sliced a finger in the kitchen? Kiddo grazed her knee? You can never have too many bandages or band-aids! 

Plasters and band-aids are a go-to for covering and protecting those inevitable cuts, scrapes, and grazes. They keep wounds clean and support the healing process. Hey, parents: these colourful Peppa Pig plasters will help kids forget all about their “ouchie”!
Gauze pads are great to have on hand for those larger or more awkward wounds, so be sure to have a pack of different sizes. 

You’ll also need a roll of antibacterial adhesive tape for securing the gauze in place.
But before you bandage a wound, be sure to clean it! Antiseptic solutions and wipes are one of your best defences against infection. Dettol Antiseptic Disinfectant Wound Wash Spray is an easy way to cleanse minor cuts, grazes, and insect bites or stings. 

A thermometer
Monitoring body temperature is super important when you or a family member is showing signs of a fever. A thermometer will help you detect changes in temperature, which can play a big part in monitoring an illness or infection. 

VICKS InSight Thermometer makes fever monitoring a snap. This clever digital thermometer can be used in the mouth or under the arm (or in the bottom!). It delivers a reading in just eight seconds. The built-in Fever InSight uses colour-coded displays to indicate whether a fever is present. 

Instant heat and cold packs

Heat and cold packs have no end of uses. Each can play a very important role when it comes to treating an injury. Heat and cold complement one another and are often both beneficial for inflammation and swelling. 

Cold treatment is best for acute injuries - that is, anything that has occurred within the last 48 hours. Ice helps to constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling and bleeding in an injured area. This can help bring down inflammation, potentially reducing pain and muscle spasms. Strains, sprains, bumps, bruises, and various sporting injuries can all benefit from a cold pack. 

Always wrap the cold pack in a damp towel before applying to the affected area. Do not apply ice directly to the skin.

An instant ice pack is super handy to keep in the bathroom cabinet, car, or sports bag. It ‘freezes’ instantly when you apply pressure to the inner pouch, so there’s no need to keep it in the freezer. 

Heat packs are best used for chronic conditions, such as stiffness or pain in the joints, muscles, and soft tissues. Warmth helps to support blow flow to the area, allowing tissues and muscles to relax and loosen up. A heat pack is great for a sore neck or back, and other soft tissue injuries that have persisted for more than a few days.  

(Note: heat should not be applied to an injury during the first 48 hours.)

Deep Heat’s range of Heat Patches provide up to 8 hours of soothing support for all types of muscular aches and joint pain. It activates within one minute and takes only five minutes to fully heat up. Simply the patch directly to the skin for discreet, all-day relief.  

Emergency blankets

Emergency blankets can be lifesaving. They look like giant pieces of tin foil, but they’re actually made of super-thin plastic coated in vaporized aluminum. The aluminum coating reflects heat inwards, preventing the loss of body heat. This is invaluable for preventing hypothermia in the case of serious injury, shock, or other extreme temperature loss.  

While we most often associate emergency blankets with the outdoors or natural disasters, they also have a range of uses for other situations. When someone is seriously hurt, their natural stress response can lead to a sudden drop in blood pressure and body temperature. This can lead to shock, which is potentially life-threatening.
Keeping the person warm with an emergency blanket can help to stabilize their temperature and protect their body from the effects of shock until medical help arrives. There are dozens of situations that you might need one: the sports field, in the car, on hiking trips, on the farm, and of course around the home. They fold down into a tiny square and fit easily into any kit. Grab a few Surgipack Emergency Blankets at Bargain Chemist and keep them within reach! 

Ready-made first aid kits

The easiest way to be fully prepped for first-aid situations is to grab one of our ready-made kits. The Surgipack First Aid Kit is perfect for the home or office, in the car or taking on trips. It contains everything you’d need for tending to minor injuries, such as plasters, cleansing wipes, tweezers, bandages, tape, gloves, and an emergency blanket. All packed into a handy fabric bag with a zip! 

If you’ve got a few more risks to look out for, be doubly prepared with the CRYSTAMED™ First Aid Kit. This comprehensive kit includes essentials for injury care along with wound wash spray, burn gel, First Aid Cream, and even treatment for hayfever and diarrhoea. 

Be sure to check your kit regularly and restock as needed. Bargain Chemist has a huge range of first aid essentials for both acute and chronic injury treatment - from bandages and antiseptic cream to ice packs and fever relief. Find everything you need here!

First aid kit