Back to School Guide 2020 - Bargain Chemist

Back to School Guide

With summer coming to an end, and school starting back up there is always plenty to be done in preparation for another school year. Books, stationery and uniform are just a start. Your kid’s health requires special attention and is crucial for them to have a great start to the school year. By making sure they are healthy and ready to learn you are helping them to be better learners.

To help you stay on top of their health we have a comprehensive guide of discounted products to keep the kids healthy and happy and, keep in mind, that NZ orders over $69 are free delivery.

Read on to find out everything you need to know about;

  • Kids Probiotics
  • Kids Immune Defense
  • Kids Multi Vitamins


Probiotics- Digestive Health

What are probiotics?

Your body needs certain bacteria to stay healthy, unlike popular belief bacteria aren’t all bad. Bacteria helps with digestion, absorbing nutrients, and battling other germs that can make you ill.

Within your body, you have a group of germs called a microbiome which is made of good and bad bacteria, viruses, and fungi. We rely on microbes to stay alive as they protect us against germs, breaks down food to release energy, and produces vitamins.

They live:

  • on your skin
  • in your gut
  • in your respiratory tract
  • in your urinary tract
  • in your digestive tract

Antibiotic kills infection-causing bacteria. But it also can take some of the good bacteria.  We compromise our microbiome when we take antibiotics because the balance between good and bad germs is affected, and this can lead to infection and illness.

Benefits From Taking A Probiotic

  1. They help to balance the good bacteria in your digestive system
  2. Help prevent and treat gut issues
  3. May reduce the severity of certain allergies
  4. May help reduce the symptoms of bowel disorders like ulcerative colitis, IBS and necrotizing enterocolitis.
  5. Probiotics may help boost your immune system and protect against infections.

Why Do Kids Need Probiotics?

They can help with digestive health and immunity by restoring the balance of good and bad gut bacteria, and can also help prevent and treat diarrhea. There are studies showing that probiotics may help improve anxiety and stress. Starting a new school year can be scary and make kids feel uneasy or stressed, with the help of a probiotic kids can feel better inside.

Probiotics may also reduce the risk and severity of certain allergies, such as eczema, in infants and children.

Digestive disorders seem all too common these days, affecting both children and adults. Certain types of probiotics have improved symptoms in people with mild ulcerative colitis and may provide benefits for those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Any medical issues your children may be facing should be discussed with a doctor.

Common Signs Your Kid Should Be Taking A Probiotic

  1. Gastrointestinal issues, such as Gas, Bloating, Diarrhea, Constipation, IBS and Ulcerative Colitis
  2. Overweight
  3. Showing signs of Stress and anxiety
  4. Food allergies or sensitivities
  5. Skin issues such as Eczema, Acne, Rosacea, or other rashes

Key FAQs

  • Probiotics can be used all the time not just when you are taking an antibiotic
  • Will aid to improve bowel health, healthy consistency and frequency of bowel movements
  • Taking a probiotic once you’ve experienced any signs of needing one is the best treatment option to get your health back on track